I get this question a lot on YouTube but I can’t answer it there because of the amount of people. People are constantly asking how much I bought my horses for, and since I know no one here will end up buying Ripley, and it’s not public access (well not much anyway) I bought Storm (TF Captins Lily) for 1,000 dollars. And I’ve been offered literally 35x that, this year. I just bought Ripley, (JKK Black Berry 2020) for 3,500. (Was listed for 5,000, but, the guy I bought her from went down allot so I could afford her as my price point was only 2k max, I made adjustments with payment/interest) So yeh just thought I’d answer because lots of people ask
Posted by Deleted (05890c36) at 2022-10-29 03:09:39 UTC