As I look back in to history of horses and cattle… I have come to 1776 when Don Juan Bautista de Anza crossed the desert from Mexico into California. These Catalans would start the horsemen tradition of the Vaquero. They brought the art of La Jineta ( the horsemen) to California. According to Arnold R. Rojas in his book The Vaquero. Top of page 7. The Central Mexico rider is a leverage bit man. His steel curb chain is still the iron-ring curb of the moors. The Californiano is a palette-bit man. He uses a leather curb-strap. He does not depend on leverage so much as the signal of the port touching the palette. So why? Why a history lesson? Looking at the past can help us go forward. It also allows us to see events of the now becoming so much more than we can dream. Right now with Stall High we are going to be laying down some major changes in horsemanship! Horse and man! The Spanish settlers in California had no idea 246 years later some guy born and raised in California would be sitting in Alabama typing on his phone about horsemanship and bringing up this point. The reason that the style and art of horsemanship is still alive is it was shared. It was something to aspire to. There were mentors. There was admiration from peers. It wasn’t just you got your horse to do this or that but, how you got him to do it. Information moved with the horse you can tell by the different styles of cheek pieces, mouth pieces and the names. All the names represent a different place. Thankfully someone wrote it down so it would be more than just word of mouth. I’m not saying one way is better. I am saying we are at a point in the history of horsemanship that will have profound impact on horses, people and how the relationship developed and maintained. Enjoy your holidays, horses, friends and family. God bless us all.
Posted by copelandk.gk1 at 2022-12-24 21:57:36 UTC