The results we witnessed at the Mares ONLY clinic over the weekend with Clinician, James Davison, were so beautiful.. It’s very humbling and thrilling to realize we are stamping history for horsemanship by bringing new information that will forever change the way we ride. Today on Stall Talk at Noon, join Kendra Leigh Dickson LIVE with our resident Neuroscience Rockstar - LeAnna Rae and Star of Gift Of The Horse TV Show, Michael Richardson to recap the moment Kendra realized her seat in the saddle is a lot more crooked than she thought.. and how her mare changed stride when KD did one simple thing in the saddle... We'll see you at noon today for STALL TALK! Join Zoom Meeting 12:00 PM., CST

Posted by Stall High at 2023-04-04 13:35:13 UTC