A little update on Ceilia! She is doing sooo good! Since the last time I posted about her, she’s learned how to yield her hindquarters, move her front end (like a 360 but nowhere near fast), flex, stand tied (she’s literally the best with standing tied), and pick up her front feet. She struggles with her back feet a lot, we think someone did something to her back end in all because she used to absolutely hate if you touched her hindquarters or tried to grab her tail to brush it. It’s gotten a whole lotta better though. I’ve been working on desensitizing her with a rope and just swing it around her back end (NOT hitting her with it) and she’s gotten better. The funny thing about her is she is skittish yet doesn’t spook at like a plastic bag but will spook at something that has something to do with another living thing touching or doing something near or to her. And here’s a little about her past that I wanna add just because I can ☺️ So she’s from a kill pen that a rescue got her from but we are just fostering her so that she can get some training in and will be able to find a better home. The person that dumped her off at the kill pen said she does have some papers but they didn’t keep up with them so they don’t know who she has on them or if she’s inbred. Mind you, she came in with a whole bunch of other babies (around 50). So we’re pretty sure she only has that one deformed eye because she’s inbred. But yea, I mean she’s still the sweetest and smartest little girl around though 💗

Posted by 1 buckskin & 3 roans at 2023-05-07 04:11:31 UTC