As I was working this past weekend on cleanup after the windstorm we had, I couldn’t help but feel blessed. Don’t get me wrong these last few weeks have been hard but I learned a lot from my mare Lita. I received Supey’s memorial stone ( I had to put her down the end of November) in the mail as you know but the part that I didn’t divulge in was that Lita (miss diva herself) started laying in her pee hole like Supey used to do when I blanketed her. After the third straight day of having to wash her blanket off I realized what was going on. I told Lita I understood she was trying to keep Supey here with us and that I knew she was with us even though not physically so she didn’t need to lay and get her blanket all dirty. Next day her blanket was clean. I am so blessed by God to have such amazing horses that know when something is going on. We will keep slowly moving forward. I know GOD HAS A PLAN FOR ME and we are going to keep trying to accomplish those plans. Thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts. Just wanted to maybe make somebody laugh with what happened the last few days and to let you know that we are getting better slowly but surely. #ranchdressn #mansports #flairstrips #knobbschiropractic #pemftherapy #equilume #platinumperformance #wendelveterinaryservices #StallHigh #KD

Posted by Deleted (7b9ba4d9) at 2021-12-24 01:13:41 UTC