———————————Baby Girl————————— Baby is a 12 year old Shetland X Mini. We got her from my cousin when we got Jo and Jazz. I never did anything with her when we got her but I’ve recently started doing mini halter classes with her and she’s a queen. The first show she went to she got 3rd. I didn’t take her to district this year because I didn’t know how she would but let’s just say next year we gonna win!! 👑 I’m also gonna be training her to pull a cart when I get one but I can’t right now because they are EXPENSIVE. I’ve already started working on her with steering from behind her and she’s mastered that. So I will work on pulling when I get a cart. I’m so proud of my little Baby Girl❤️ —————————Follow My friends—————— @deletedmember @I cant barrel race ————————Follow My Socials——————— Tik Toks KG_Vandiver KGV_Equestrian2005 Instagrams kg_vandiver kgv_equestrian kgv_vandiver ———————————-Ignore—————————— #Babygirl #Baby #shetland #mini #halterclasses #mylittlequeen #kgvequestrian #carting ————————————————————————

Posted by Deleted (77315b6f) at 2021-11-11 19:24:19 UTC